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my dearest kariny

always wearing those doc mary janes

priestess of silly little drinks and a
fun little time
fun little time


my favorite painter, the one who teaches me most about doing what i said i would.
here she was starting two pieces at my apartment because her bedroom was too far to make paintings as often as she’d wished to.
here she was starting two pieces at my apartment because her bedroom was too far to make paintings as often as she’d wished to.



that is to say,

brighton, the summer after we vowed not to go in the waters unless they were dominican

spf was our bestie

a sleepover under the light of sunsets sold, never has anyone gotten me so hooked on reality tv like her.

in my apartment.
here shes unknowingly cuddling an eighth of oui’d held within jenna rink’s caring stomach. to the right was just after she helped me walk an 80x80” painting home even after having worked & gallery hopped with a friend prior. id told her to rest and not help after having such a day, i’d had extra hands. but she insisted, saying she had already committed to helping me, and there was no question that she would follow through.
here shes unknowingly cuddling an eighth of oui’d held within jenna rink’s caring stomach. to the right was just after she helped me walk an 80x80” painting home even after having worked & gallery hopped with a friend prior. id told her to rest and not help after having such a day, i’d had extra hands. but she insisted, saying she had already committed to helping me, and there was no question that she would follow through.

all my nearest and dearest were over, she could barely keep her eyes open.

summer ‘21: the class that made us understand how inseparable we are. jacob mason macklin was teaching a painting class at woodbine and we had to hear what he had to say about painting. this was the first time in our friendship we routinely saw each other: once a week, for three hours, staring at each other and mixing the colors of the other’s topography. it was a delight to come to know her features more closely through jake’s process. the class lasted 8 weeks and, after it ended, we didnt see each other for two months. it was mutual agony and we realized we very simply had to start seeing each other far more consistently

the first time i slept over at her house, the first time i saw her room. a postcard from the ana mendieta show we went to together at galerie lelong watches over her dreams.

her bedroom was truly just a studio with a bed, and soon after this, she took the bed out to make bigger paintings

it truly was the most exciting thing ever to be able to bear witness to all of her trinkets, treasures, and tools

to understand the things she chooses to keep, and how she chooses to hold them

her poor old laptop that only turned on if plugged in and immediately reached sauna temperatures



bouncing around nyc together. never have i met someone so willing to do anything with me. who Gets it like We? this one in the middle is her in the reflection of a broken tv we saw on the side of the street. we were late to where we were going having been so interested in the texture of the glass


the fortnight that changed our relationship! yo estaba en la casa de mi bisabuela en Baní, y ella regreso a la isla a visitar su familia al mismo tiempo. ella viné a la casa de mi familia para una semana, and we truly did nothing but watch orphan black for 8 days straight. despues, yo fui a la casa de su familia para otra semana. it was unbelievably special to meet her whole family and be in the spaces that made her.

at playa chiquita (deben que llamarla playa brava, ese dia el mar me quito el traje de baño entero)

the kids we met at the beach that day. they lived nearby and went there every day. the smaller one had the brightest natural blonde streak in his hair from the sun. the smaller one saved me when the waves almost killed me.

to my best friend, the one i do everything with, the one i share everything with, whos design is just like mine: it is more than a delight, it is an immense gift it is to know you, learn you, and be surprised by you every day. i will always cherish the time we spend dream sharing, treat having, gallery hopping, sunbathing, cyanotype making, figure drawing, crying, pancake making, movie watching, book sharing, diary reading, etc. etc. to simply share space with you is all i could ever ask for. love you