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we share blood already
but ive chosen you as 
family just as well.

in the sequin dress intended for mak’s music video shoot the day after. it
was irresponsible to sew it to
star’s proportions so close
to the MV shoot,

but star wears clothes with such accordance
to the sensation garments imply
that i knew the images we’d
make would be grand.

star damn near lived with me this summer

she didnt like being at home, so we made this her
home, until she was able to build her own this autumn

or night,
you remain the best dressed in our family

we didnt get along as kids,
i guess we lived so far away from each other we never had the chance to. so this summer meant a lot for our care
it’s a gift to have you as a main pillar of support in my life right now. i see so much of myself in you and still learn so much about what it is to show up for someone, what it is to be family. star’s dedication to the people she loves shows in her actions and her presence.
i am reminded of the bond my grandmother and her father had,
cousins with nothing but fondness for each other.
all i know is that i am so excited to see the
way we grow and change with
each other. 
(also...sharing closets 
with you is the best ever!)